Cannot get past start screen in Spore


I just installed the game Spore. When I first dowloaded it off of Steam and updated it I thought it would work fine; I did my "homework" by searching in forums and such about reviews of the game so I went ahead and bought Spore & Spore galactic adventures.

It started off fine but then all that was on the screen was a frozen galaxy. After waiting for about thirty seconds I tried clicking all over the screen and found out that you can drag the camera view around to get different perspectives, so I closed the page and tried to open it again and I also tried restarting my computer. That did not help so I went on Google and searched "Spore starting screen glitches", ect., all to no avail.

I run it on Windows Vista and I have a 2.50 GHz processer. How can I make it work?

Best Answer

If you can move around the screen then you should be able to select one of the planets (not sure which).