Can’t Build My Warframe


I bought a couple of warframe blue prints and one of them is vauban and i wanna get ready to build it but it is not showing seprate pieces for what i have to build it's like first the vauban helmet then chasis then systems it's just showing the blueprint and everything i have to build for vauban beside it i do have a lot of other blueprints does it mean my inventory is full?

Best Answer

To build a warframe, you need the blueprint + the 3 required parts (system, helmet, chassis).

Typically, you can by the blueprint with credits from the store. For the parts, you have to fight bosses (they drop the parts).

Vauban parts can only be acquired from alert missions.

When you get warframe parts, go into the forge and craft them (each part takes credits+resources+time). Once all 3 parts are finished, you can start crafting the actual warframe.

On the warframe wiki you can check where to get the parts for a frame.

It's also possible to buy a complete frame from the market with platinum.

Regarding your invenotry: There are different inventory sections and only 2 are limited by space - Weapons and Warframes. You can buy more space with platinum.