Can’t restore the Wii: BootMii Won’t Work


I am trying to restore or un-modify my Wii. When I try to start BootMii from the Home Brew Channel, I get only a black screen. Can somebody please help me?

I don't know how the heck I would have deleted BootMii but maybe that did happen. I do have the NAND.bin and KEYS.bin though. Would I be able to recover a bricked Wii with just these 2 files?

I think I might just need to reinstall BootMii but the official Web site tells me to install it through HackMii – but I'm afraid to do that since my Wii is already hacked.

Best Answer

To get bootmii to work you must first install it with letterbomb. To do this go into the letters section of your wii locate the letterbomb (it is red and has a bomb sticking out of it) when you open it select the bootmii installer (It should be under the homebrew channel) Next time you open bootmii from the home brew channel it should load properly and not get stuck on a black screen. Note the wii controller will stop working this is normal you can use the buttons on the wii console to navigate the options. After you settup bootmii the controllers will work again.

Also if you have started bootmii before installing it from letter bomb and you are stuck on a black screen it is safe to turn of your wii.