Capturing all outposts in Far Cry 3


I have noticed that capturing outposts in FC3 removes the random spawn of enemies in the game. What happens if I clear out all the outposts in the game ? (I'm still in the second main quest, so haven't progressed a lot). Will the enemies disappear completely from the whole game ?? Will I be stuck fighting animals only ?

Best Answer

If you clear the outposts, most of the enemies you face will come from missions - when you start a mission, enemies spawn at the mission location no matter how many outposts you've cleared.

Random encounters will also occur even after outposts have been cleared - for example, you may stumble onto an ongoing battle between Rakyat and Pirate forces while moving through the wilderness.

That said, most enemy forces will be eliminated if you clear all of the outposts in the game. If you prefer Rook Island to be a peaceful place, then you may want to clear these outposts. I prefer to leave the outposts alone, because I find that exploration gets boring when there's no enemies other than animals.