Cat & Mouse


On your phone, if you to Extras and click on Stats, there's a large amount of information about your various statistics about your game.

On page 10 of 11 at the top of the page, there are two statistics that read as follows:

Cat & Mouse: Most Points Earned: 0

Cat & Mouse: Cash Earned: $0.00

I've finished the main campaign, and I'm currently working my way through the diversions. I've not heard any mention of "Cat & Mouse" at all. I know it's not a diversion.

What is this? Is it something that is co-op only (I've only played single player)?

Best Answer

Cat and Mouse is indeed a co-op side mission. In Saints Row 2, you entered it by killing your co-op partner - the killed partner was then presented with a menu whereby they could choose one of two games to play in retaliation. Saints Row 3 does something similar.

Cat and Mouse is where one player has a car, and is trying to hit checkpoints similar to a checkpoint race. The other player has an attack helicopter and has to stop the other player from hitting the checkpoints. After a set period of time, they switch. Whoever hit more check points when both timers expire is the winner.