Change the mouse sensitivity for the X and Y axes individually


When flying the jet I have a hard time pitching up or down because of how slowly the jet reacts to movement along the Y axis. I also have a hard time rolling left or right because of how quickly the jet reacts to movement along the X axis. While this might make it easier to please Peppy, it makes flying the jet difficult.

Is there any way I can increase the mouse sensitivity along the Y axis and decrease it along the X axis? Can this be done to affect the jet alone?

Best Answer

All available Battlefield 3 settings can be found in the Realmware BF3 Settings Editor and there is no way to adjust mouse sensitivity for separate axis:

However, if you have a branded mouse, you can try to download their utility and to make changes there. Also, I think that there is a way to change axis sensitivity by editing some values in the Windows Registry, but, obviously, that isn't what you are looking for.