Change the movement keys in NetHack


I recently downloaded NetHack, and have begun to play on my laptop. However, I find the directional key bindings rather cumbersome. I do not have a Number Pad, and would rather not use the NumLock function on my laptop's keyboard. So, I'm currently left to deal with the default non-numerical bindings for movement. These are very counter-intuitive.

The help file displays them as this:

y k u
b j n

When, in reality, they're laid out more like this:


Is there any way to change this key binding to be less confusing – perhaps even using the actual directional keypad?

Best Answer

As far as I know, there's no way to remap the keys outside of a recompiling from source, or a crazy hack like using AutoHotKey to map entirely different keys on the keyboard to hjkl/yubn. Obviously that has side-effects though.

So you have a couple of options:

  1. You may not have an actual numpad, but most laptops have a mode that can "convert" part of the keyboard into a numpad, by holding down the "Fn" key, or using a "Fn Lock" key to toggle it on/off.
  2. Get used to hjkl/yubn, and be glad that if you ever decide to learn how to use vim in the future, you'll already have moving around with hjkl solidly ingrained into your muscle memory.