Civilization – Are there any diplomatic consequences for agreeing to unfavorable (to me) trade agreements


If you propose to the AI a trade agreement which the AI perceives to be favorable to them, they will respond with things like "your offer is generous and I accept". In the attitude summary, however, I could not find anything that mentions these agreements.

Is there any diplomatic consequence for them? For example, if I give gifts to other civilizations, will it make future trade deals with them better for me, or will it dissuade them from attacking me, or make them approve of friendship requests, etc.?

Best Answer

Looks like this was updated in the June 2011 patch:

[A diplomatic change] Track trades between players and allow that to positively influence relationships (the better the deal for the AI, the stronger the modifier). Particularly useful for bribing a hostile AI.

So it seems these sort of trade agreements do indeed have impact, at least since the patch.