It isn't as simple anymore. There's a number of things to think about
Initially your cities will only be able to access the tiles next to them. It will take a long time before your cities are generating enough culture on their own to add many tiles, unlike earlier civs where it was quite easy to boost to a full 2 square radius. So if you need a particular resource, you should either build next to it or be prepared to buy access to the tile.
Once a tile has been claimed, you can't "steal" it like in Civ 4 (except using the Great Artist in the base game, or Great General in the G&K expansion). So you want to make sure you establish your borders quickly before another Civ or city-state grabs those tiles.
Building additional cities causes increased unhappiness across your empire, and it also makes it more expensive to adopt social policies. So while spamming cities early will help you establish a large territory, it will penalize you in other ways.
So while the technical answer is that you maximize your potential territory without gaps or overlap by leaving 6 hexes between cities (since the maximum radius for a city is 3 hexes), I think you will find that blindly following that will be a sub-optimal strategy.
This is one of the systems in Civ 5 that is not necessarily more complicated, but certainly seems to be more strategic than it was in earlier civs.
Although bwarner's answer was helpful as always, no one verified beyond "I think so" that puppet cities are affected by each of the civilization wide effects, so I did some testing and:
Yes, puppet cities are affected normally by all civilization-wide effects.
I can't verify that there are no exceptions, but I verified at least one of each of the things I was concerned about...
The Testing
Civilization Special Trait
I loaded up France on easy, and went about conquering. Japan fell, giving me Kyoto to play with. As soon as I conquered the city and took it as a puppet, it was producing 2 culture. This matches perfectly with France's ability, so CHECK!
More Test Setup
Having acquired my victim, I setup the test: social policy ready, golden-age ready, and wonder ready all on the same turn! (Save file available upon request, whenever I get around to it after that.)
Social Policy
I enacted Liberty->Republic, which gives +1 production/city. That matches, so CHECK!
Golden Age
I already had culture working for me, so I started the golden age by enacting the social policy Piety->Reformation. Clearly shows an increase in both gold and production, CHECK!
World Wonder
If you take a look at all of my cities from the same turn, you can see Orleans is about to finish the Sistine Chapel, which gives +33% culture/city. I went to the next turn, and without any growth or buildings completing, the after shows increased culture on Kyoto. (Lyon also started with 7 culture and ended with 9 as well, so the rounding definitely matches.) CHECK!
Everything checks out. I suppose puppets really are just normal cities that you don't control. I would still love to hear if anyone finds any exceptions!
Best Answer
Short answer is “yes and no”. They may spawn closer but only by a virtue of both being pushed away from the civilization starts and because are allowed to be close to each other. Below is the homework done in arrival to that conclusion. Note, that I am not intimately familiar with the inner workings of map generation as I am not a developer or a modder, thus I may be unaware of any other possible factors at work here.
Order of map features placement
After scouring through Civilization 5 XML files and game scripts, here is what I had found as to how the game generates maps and places resources and starting locations.
The core function in the script
. There one can see what steps the map generation goes through when determining locations of terrain, map features and assets (capitalization and grammar in this and following quotations is sic):One of the final steps is to determine civilizations’ placements, place wonders and resources. It is handled via
function:From the steps that follow it is clear that natural wonders are placed before city-states. Placement logic is handled in
.How the natural wonders are placed
There are several functions which the script goes through to determine if plot is eligible to be a natural wonder, and if so, what wonder it then would be (quoted are comments from the script itself):
After that the candidate plot list is generated, and for each plot level of
parameter (from XML file) is recorded. Then another function attempts to place natural wonder at random location from the specific list for each wonder, checks for collisions with other wonders, and records its placement.Why city states appear close to natural wonders
Civilization 5 uses so-called “impact and ripple” system to determine the minimum distances between certain type of objects. There are several Impact Data Layers (strategic, natural wonder, city state, luxury resource and so forth), for each of which the ripple value of each feature is recorded. Civilization starts are created with ripple value of 4 towards natural wonders level (“set a minimum distance of 5 plots (4 ripples) away”). But the city states are also pushed away from starting locations. The reference at the bottom of AssignStartingPlots script (very handy resource, along with in-line documentation) states:
At the same time, natural wonders are created with ripple value of 1 towards city state level which allows for close proximity. Hence, insofar it seems that perceived tie between city state and natural wonder placement is coincidental.