Civilization – Does Starting Biases affect resources


I know that there are starting biases that affect where a particular civilization is placed

What I am asking is whether or not this affects the resources that surround him. I have noticed that everytime I start as the Byzantium empire, I always have HEAPS OF SALT :O.

Is this actually a bias, or is every game I played that I am the Byzantium Empire, or the AI/Friend/Enemy is the Byzantium empire is just so lucky to have an abbundence of salt.

Best Answer

In Civilization 5, staring resources are determined by the map seed. It is most likely that you've been playing with the same map settings... and seed over and over.. Or luck.

As for surrounding terrain placement/spawn location - That IS biased to each empire (but can be disabled in advanced settings).

I've created about 10 games, none but one contained salt.