Civilization – How to improve Civilization 5 savegame load performance


My PC running Windows XP sp3 has a Athlon 64 X2 3600+ processor, a 7200RPM 160GB HD, a ATI 3850 graphics card and 2GB of RAM. (Note that there's plenty of free space on the HD and it's defragmented regularly.)

Loading a civilization savegame of a normal sized map of a somewhat progressed game takes > 5 minutes. I think that is too long 🙂

Should I get an SSD? Should I upgrade my system to a more modern processor? The gfx card can't really be limiting my load performance, or can it? Disable Antivirus?

Best Answer

I have basically the same gaming machine as you, but I have a 300GB velociraptor and my load times are about 30sec. You need a much better moving hard drive or a SSD.