Civilization – I have no religion, I’m beating a civ about to get a religious victory in combat – how am I able to hamper their religion


I have no religion, in combat I'm beating a civ about to get a religious victory.

I now have a bunch of cities with his religion – and the inertia may take him over the religious victory line.

I may not be able to completely wipe him out before he gets his religious victory. Can I remove his religion from my newly captured – or other – cities before he gets his religious win without having a religion of my own?

Best Answer

The first thing you can do to slow down the religious advance is to start targeting the AI religious units. While at war, military units can attack and destroy enemy religious units without taking damage. This is a good way to prevent the AI from spreading their religion to even more cities.

If you have any city that is following a different religion, start buying Missionaries and Apostles to spread that religion in an attempt to counter the spread of the majority religion.
The better option is to buy Inquisitors, if you can. Use them to remove the majority from the cities that are following it. That will be one less city following the near-victory religion.