I am confused on how to use inquisitors. I tried to use them to "remove heresy" from another civ. But the option was not enabled. I suspect I can only use them in my own territory because I could only enter with open borders.
I also tried to attack another apostle, but could not. I suspect because the unit was under a warrior (bug?). However, the same apostle attacked my inquisitor down to 1 health, while it only sustained a 10% drop.
So when, where and what for, should I use inquisitors?
Best Answer
I read this here
TL;DR: Inquisitors can be unlocked by expending an apostle to "launch inquisition" and are used for eliminating foreign religions from a city completely.
Inquisitors are weaker at theological combat than apostles especially if the Apostle has received a "Debater" promotion, which gives a +20 religious strength in theological combat.
Inquisitor base religious strength: 70
Apostle base religious strength: 110
Missionary base religious strength (can only defend): 100
Apostle wiki
Inquisitors wiki
Missionary wiki
This video explains religious warfare quite well
Missionary vs Inquisitor
Inquisitors 2k forums