Civilization – Question about social policy wording


Aristocracy in the tradition tree says:

+15% production when builing wonders and +1 happiness for every 10 citizens in a city

Is the interpretation that I only get +1 happiness for every 10 citzens while building a wonder or is that always the case?

Best Answer

Generally, Civ V works as you would expect it to, with the wording on details intended to be clear and provide all relevant info, that is to say, without obscuring criteria.

In this case, you get the production bonus AND the happiness bonus, as they are two discrete effects not tied together - if you only got access to the happiness bonus when you were building a wonder, it would most likely be worded in a slightly different way, such as "+15% production when building wonders and +1 happiness for every 10 citizens in a city while constructing a wonder"