Civilization – restore the wiped out religion in Civ 5 Gods and Kings


I eliminated a computer player that had a strong religion (Buddhism). My religion was weak, whereas this other one was taking over the continent quickly. Now that I have him overrun, I want, well wanted, to work on converting cities to mine, but I see now that all of the cities period have his religion! I tried making an Inquisitor just to test, but he is ineffectual at removing Buddhism, being that I can only buy him in Buddhist cities. (Because all of my cities are Buddhist and my religion, Shinto, has been wiped out.

Is there no way to recover your religion in such a situation?

Best Answer

Yes, you can, but only if it's your religion!

While Missionaries and Inquisitors always correspond to the majority religion in the city they are produced, Great Prophets will always spread the religion founded by your Civilization, rather than the dominant religion of the city they appear in.

Once you have a Great Prophet, you can convert 4 cities back to Shinto (which will also remove the Buudhism) immediately, which should give your holy city some breathing room. Unless you're in a position to immediately contest your (defeated) opponent's religious pressure, however, you will start to lose ground again.

What you may want to do is to save the Great Prophet until have purchased another missionary or too, lest your religion be dominated before you can start cranking out missionaries.