Civilization – What are the keyboard shortcuts for Civilization 5: Brave New World


So, there already exists a list of keyboard shortcuts for Civ 5 Vanilla. By pressing buttons I even found some extra ones:

V - Advisors Screen
Alt+Q - Admit Defeat

I have also found some shortcuts for Gods & Kings:

Ctrl+E - Espionage Screen
Ctrl+P - Religion Screen

But I still haven't found the shortcuts for the new Brave New World options – specifically:

? - Culture Overview Screen
? - World Congress Screen
? - Trade Routes Screen
? - Show Trade Routes on map

Any idea on what they are?

Best Answer

Well, I found the answer, and it's disappointing.

Basically, there are no shortcuts for the new BNW options. This is easy to check: shortcuts for Brave New World are coded in

\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\DLC\Expansion2\Gameplay\XML\Units\CIV5Controls.xml

which is exactly the same file as

\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Units\CIV5Controls.xml

which contained the shortcuts for Gods & Kings. Maybe they'll fix it in an upcoming patch, or maybe someone will figure out how to mod these shortcuts... But it's very frustrating for now.