Clans, Immortals… Is there a manual for this stuff


I just joined a clan with my friend and we were in steam voice chat together when we clicked "Fight" on "Today's Raid". We got a screen with an immortal, there was a timer and a damage bar that wasn't moving. I went to try and check my heroes, that didn't work, same with my relics. So I asked my friend what's happening, he said he already killed it 5 times, but I saw nothing. We were both confused as to what was going on. Since I'm an idle player I confirmed that I still had idle DPS, I did. Then the timer ran out.

The results then showed me that I had not defeated the level one immortal, I had a 1h countdown to retry. My friend said his screen showed he had, and he got 6 hero souls (totally not worth the 1M hs 50 rubies are otherwise worth). He had a 23h countdown to try again.

Then I clicked the refresh button; because that was really required when I was joining his clan. Finally it showed that I had defeated the immortal, and rewarded me 1 hero soul. It did not show a retry counter and instead showed the same counter to try again for tomorrow's raid. Also it showed my 0 damage vs his 500k damage.

Well… I would say "what the" here. I need a manual for this part of the game. There was no indication of what to expect, what to do, nor of why we were doing this? I assume at some point, hopefully in a few days, we'd be earning more hero souls than the 50 rubies are worth, but without a formula or instructions I can't guess when that might be.

Does anyone have a simple cogent way to explain what clans are, how you do "Today's Raid", what you should be prepared for going in, and what outcomes you can expect?

Best Answer

Yes, there is, check it out : Clans FAQ on ClickerHeroes Wiki

Basically, you deal click-only dommage (Immortal dommage) to a special kind of boss. Each click, you deal 1 immortal dommage per primal boss you killed during your game. Standard DPS does not apply.

When you beat him, you gain Heroes Souls, based on the dommage you inflicted. If you fail, you can try again a number of times for free, then for rubies (it will stack the dommage).

The manual really says it all.