Clash-of-clans – At what troop level is GOWIPE an effective attack option


I'm at TH8 and have all of the troop options unlocked for my town hall level, although they're not necessarily upgraded yet. Generally, at what point is GOWIPE (Golems, Wizards, Pekkas) an effective attacking option? For my personal situation, I have level 4 wizards and level 1 Golems and Pekkas, along with level 5 rage and level 4 healing.

I realize all questions like this typically depend on the base being attacked. I'm looking for a general guideline on when I can expect a GOWIPE attack to be effective if the base I'm targeting warrants such an attack. I'm looking for things like:

  • Are level 1 Golems/Pekkas effective enough?
  • Should wizards absolutely be at level 5 or higher? (they get huge gains at level 5)
  • Is GOWIPE even effective at TH8?
  • Other relevant info to consider.

Best Answer

GOWIPE is definitely a good strategy at TH8. When I maxed my troops at TH8 I used it to loot Dark Elixir, worked well.

You will definitely see a big difference when you use level 5 wiz, they are meant to do a lot of work together with the PEKKAs, so having them at a higher level will help.

Consideration: do not drop all your troops at once, PEKKAS do not have a favourite target so they may instead go wiping out perimeter buildings instead of going for the centre. So clear up some space using some wizards first, or even some archers. After that you can safely drop your PEKKAs and king to funnel them towards the core/loot.

Another strategy is dragons with three lightning spells. If you plan out your attack well you can always get at least a two star, and 3 star on non tricky bases. This strategy is elixir hungry so would recommend it for war or trophy pushing and not farming.