Clash-of-clans – Can you add an old active account to a new device that has an active account already


My phone broke and my friend has Clash of Clans, I was wondering if I could switch out his account for mine but it says I have to delete his village.

Is it possible to switch back and forth without permanently deleting anyone's village?

Best Answer

Yes it is possible in android. You have to add your google account in the accounts section in the settings. Once you do that ask your friend to disconnect his village from google+ and then reconnecting it (in the coc settings tab). Then the game will ask you which profile you want to log in to. Choose your profile. It will ask you to replace the current village. Just type CONFIRM. It won't result in any data loss or anything. Do the same for switching back to the previous profile (this time just disconnect n reconnect !). Cheers ! Happy clashing ! :)