Clash of Clans – Can Dark Spells Be Donated While Dark Spell Factory is Upgrading?


I tend to be one of the highest donators in my clan, and one of the few people who regularly donate dark spells. Because of the update, there is now a new dark spell available at my level, so I started upgrading it, and I am without dark spells for quite sometime. Is there a way to donate them still, or do I have to rely on someone else to fill the donations?

Best Answer

Yes, you can still donate dark spells while your dark spell factory is upgrading. To do so, tap on the donate button, then tap on the donate now button, and you will be able to select which dark spell you wish to donate, however it will cost you 10 gems to do so. This is quite handy if you don't mind spending the gems, as dark spells can be very important in attacks, and you can make sure people will still be able to get them if no one else is on to donate.

Note: This only works for spells you have unlocked. The new spell you are upgrading to unlock will not be available to donate until your spell factory is done upgrading. This is also possible to do for any troop if you happen to be upgrading all barracks of that type, or just want to instantly donate the troop/spell to someone.