Clash-of-clans – How exactly does clan earn XP


How exactly does a clan get XP? From what I've read it is only awarded through participation in war. I don't understand the comment "The stronger target is, the more XP the Clan will receive" so does it mean if a player attacks a much weaker base they will get 0 stars or 1 stars or what? In such a case would it matter if they win with 1 star or 3? Does this mean, you get more XP for attacking a much stronger base and getting at least 1 star? I ask because this would be a good strategy provided that the war isn't close.

I'm thinking of strategies to make best use of of the 3x XP event that's coming up and want to make sure I understand how the XP system works. So far all I can think of is just make wars larger. (btw my clan sucks at war and almost always looses, due to individual player's poor attack strategy).

Best Answer

According to this Supercell forum post, Clan XP is earned by destroying enemy war bases (getting at least one star on a base), getting 40&60% of available war stars, and by winning the war. The total amount of clan XP available in a war depends only on the number of players in the war.