Clash-of-clans – How much does Town Hall Level 9+ reduce the loot from opponents


I noticed that the game tells me that upgrading my Town Hall to level 9 will reduce the loot obtainable from TH level 8 and below. How much is this decrease?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I was able to find out there is a loot multiplier for when you attack someone in matchmaking. The loot gained is affected by the Town Hall difference between the attacker and the defender.

Players get increased loot for attacking Town Halls of a higher level, and reduced loot for attacking Town Halls of a lower level.

enter image description here

Example: If an attacker has a Town Hall level 9 and a defender has a Town Hall level 8, only 90% if his total available resources is considered lootable.

Note: Matchmaking isn't set up by Town Hall levels, it is based on total trophies the opponent has.
