Clash-of-clans – In clash of clans how do you tell if enethe troops can be deployed in certain area


When buildings are too close together enemy troops can't be deployed between them. How do you tell when they're close enough? I built a wall around my main base (including town centre) but attackers can still deploy troops within the wall.

For ascetic reasons I like having my village spaced out, it's too bad that the game play promotes against it.

screen shot of edit mode
Here is a screen shot while in edit mode. I have the town hall selected and moved it around a little, but still there are no lines to indicate where attacking troops can't be deployed. I notice there are some white lines outside the walls, but those are different, for example with this current setup I've had enemy troops deployed within the walls.

Best Answer

You can tell in two ways: During battle, and while editing your base.

Anything shaded in white/red means you/your enemies can't deploy troops there.

To trigger the boundaries (lines that show where troops can be deployed) while in your village, simply drag a building around. The area will be indicated as a white overlay, which will fade after a few seconds.
Alternatively, in the village editor - The overlay will be shown at all times.

enter image description here
The overlay in the village screen.

To trigger boundaries while during a battle, attempt to place a troop where you cannot place it.
A red boundary line and overlay will appear, showing you where you can't place your troops.
Note: If you attempt to place a troop in an area you can't deploy them during the scouting phase (first 30 seconds of a match), it will not skip you to the battle phase.

enter image description here