Clash-of-clans – In clash of clans, should we specialize our troops


One of my friends has a level 4 dragon yet his rank is lower than mine. When he attacks he always uses dragons.

As our rank goes up so does the toughness of enemies in war. So specialization seems to be advantageous.

The guy that only uses dragon is a lower rank than me and can attack weaker enemies. I have level 3 dragons and have to attack tougher enemies because my other troops (that I rarely used) are well leveled too.

Can anyone confirm?

Best Answer

Specializing occurs often in War Clans, especially clans of a specific TH level composed of small accounts of stronger players.

Specializing is good if you are going to stop at that TH level and only attack in wars. In other cases not upgrading all your troops will limit your experiences in this game.

Some people in these War Clans will even choose to not max their defenses to lower their "Strength" but have a army that they can 3 star with.