Clash-of-clans – In Clash of Clans what does XP do when donating troops to clan


In Clash of Clans when requesting troops from clan, can one do it to often? I notice when you donate you get XP. Is there some way to see another players XP and then if it's negative or something no one would donate troops to you?

So what I'm really wondering is how do I know if I'm requesting too many troops compared to how many troops I donate, but from the answers it sounds like there's no connection?

Best Answer

EXP in Clash of Clans is pretty much like experience in any other game.
It can be found on the top left-hand corner of the main screen and profile screen.

The experience you gain then is placed alongside a level system, with EXP cut-offs, a number that increases as you increase your EXP, but the requirements to get to the next level also increases.

It basically shows how much a player has invested into a game. Or for most MMORPGs; their character.

You pretty much earn experience by:

  • Upgrading Buildings
  • Donating Troops
  • Earning Achievements.
  • Destroying townhalls in attacks
  • Clearing plants/rocks from your village.

For all we know, there could be a Level 30 player with a Townhall Level 8 in Challenger League amongst all the Level 90+ players.

Answering your question:

It basically shows how much a player have invested into a game.

The only thing EXP is useful for is for unlocking decorations.
The more EXP you have, thus giving you a higher level, the more decorations you unlock.

If you need more information, you can find them in the Wiki: