Clash-of-clans – Is Defense the best offense in Clash of Clans


Is making your base more defensive better than worrying about your offensive capabilities? And which would help your campaign more in the long run?

Best Answer

Defense is pretty important in Clash of Clans. If your defense was somehow impenetrable, and you were infinitely patient, you could technically acquire all the resources you need for upgrades just by waiting and tapping your collectors occasionally.

However, no defense is perfectly impenetrable. Someone who spends a lot of time or money on the game can bypass virtually any defense. They're coming, and they'll take your resources. Also, very few people are infinitely patient.

Thus, raiding is the way most people get most of their resources, so offensive capability should not be neglected.

All that said, there's no reason to neglect either of them. Most defensive buildings require gold, while most offensive buildings and units require some type of elixir. Builders can be somewhat scarce, but honestly you should be prioritizing both of them in order to get ahead.