Clash-of-clans – Maximum trophies(multiplayer) that can be obtained


I used to think that maximum trophies obtainable in multiplayer attacks is 34. Because from my past experiences I have not seen a value greater than 34.

Today while searching for an opponent in multiplayer I came across a village that would yield 40 trophies if I had 3 starred it.(however I was able to make only 2 stars 50%)

So I want to ask : Is this a bug or the trophies system has changed recently?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Upon the dark spell update Clash increased the regular raid search radius. You used to only find raids within a 200 trophy range going up and down. The maximum trophies per regular raid used to be 34 where the minimum used to be 8. Now that search span is larger (I don't know exact). The maximum trophies from a regular raid is 59 and the minimum is 1.

This system was put in place for high trophy players as once you hit the 4,000+ there are only a handful of players within the 200 trophy radius so players would often see the clouds for up to a half hour before finding a single raid.

The amount of trophies you can receive is depending on your trophy count and the other players. This goes for revenge raids and regular raids.