Clash of Clans – Strategy for After Finished Attacks and No Shield


Say you just attacked a base and used up your army and have no more guard left. You want to take a break from the game. What strategies are there for minimizing the resources lost when your base gets raided?

One strategy is to fill up your queue with dragons and spells and refund them after you've been attacked. The problem with this is 1) no one might attack in the time it takes to make a dragon and even if you reset it then you've wasted time when you could've been building an army you actually wanted to use 2) if you forget then you end up with a bunch of dragons and IMHO they aren't cost effective

Another strategy is to keep making an army that you actually would use as soon as your last one is used. Since I'm trying to go for cost effective armies, this doesn't always save the most resources.

Any other ideas?

Best Answer

I wrote a whole article on this subject as it's something that every CoC player struggles with.

I'll summarize my tips as best I can (the article is far too long for an answer, unfortunately.)

  • Empty your collectors periodically. Full collectors == easy raid. Goes double for DE drills, which constitute the majority of available DE in a maxed out, full to the brim base.
  • Distribute your storages AND collectors. If I only have to destroy a third of your base to get to the loot, I'm raiding that like it's hot.
  • Make the enemy destroy a lot of your worthless buildings. Shields only kick in at certain percentages of destruction + troop deployment, so make them work for it!

There's also the TH attack penalty to consider, which means you should upgrade your town hall last. And you've already covered what we (used to) call the "wall breaker elixir bank" (see #2) - overtraining can save a bit of your resources, although it's not terribly significant in the grand scheme of things.

As always, resources are safest when spent. Try to focus your raids and builders so that you can keep as little on hand as possible. This isn't always something that can be done, but ideally you're not maxing out your gold, elixir, and DE storages all at once. Building walls, training expensive troops, upgrading your BK - all these tend to be pretty cheap ways to drain overfilled storages.