Clash-of-clans – Tiebreaker Question


We are in a war. 15v15. We are both going to have 41 Stars. We have 2 stars on 1-4 and 3 on the rest. They are ahead in overall percentage.

My question is – Do we just need to get one star and improve the % destoryed or does it have to be a two star plus more % destoryed?

Best Answer

At the end of Battle Day, the winner is the clan with the most stars scored against the enemy. In the case that both clans score the same amount of stars, the winning clan is the clan that has dealt the higher amount of total destruction. Should both clans deal the same amount of stars and total destruction, the war will be considered a draw. This, however can be considered rare, as total destruction dealt is different in each attack and hardly sync with the enemy clan.


so if you get more stars than them you win. if you cannot get more stars, and you have the same amount as them, your best bet is to try and get more damage on a base in order to get a higher total damage. However, you need to have your attack be the new best attack for your total damage % to go up. Getting higher destruction % on a base, but less stars will not increase the total damage %. This is a trend I have noticed over several wars.