Clash-of-clans – Upgrade Order for Th8 using DE


I am currently on th8 with a barbarian King level 5. I currently have no upgrades on my hog riders, and have not unlocked golems.

What are the advantages to leveling my barbarian king up to 10, as opposed to leveling my hog riders to 4?

Best Answer

Statistically speaking upgrading a king from level 5 - 10 results in only around a 10% increase in health and damage compared to upgrading a from level 1 hogs to level 4 hogs which will result in around 50% increase in dmg and 100% increase in health. Also mass hogs and surgical GoHo attacks are one of the more powerful 3 star ground attacks that in certain cases may even be able to 3 star TH9s.

My suggestion is to upgrade your hogs to lvl 4 and upgrade your king in TH9 where it is relatively easier to get DE.