Clash-of-clans – What are the Tags used for


In a Clan's information, at the very end there is a line of text starting with a # labled "Clan Tag" but when i do a on-screen text search on the Clan Wikia Page but it only finds one instance of "tag" (emphasis mine)

In addition, it will show "NEW" if the player just joined, though the "NEW" [tag] will disappear immediately if the player is promoted to elder, co-leader or leader.

also on a player's profile page there is a similar line under their name, likewise starting with a # so i assume this is a Tag as well.

What exactly are these Tags used for?

Best Answer

The main use for clan tags is to use it when searching.

When searching for a clan with a common name, it can be hard to find the exact one you are looking for. So Supercell added the 'clan tag', for making identifying clans easier.

You can search for clans by their clan tag in the search tab.