Clash-of-clans – What can each defense/building be upgraded to on each Town Hall


I would just like to know what the maxed level of each building is for each Town Hall.

Best Answer

You can go to the Town Hall Page on the Wikia.

scroll down to Resource, Army and Other Buildings Max Level By Town Hall, this table and the one bellow it Defensive Buildings Max Available Level will have the information your looking for. (apologies for no anchor links, Wiki does not use them)

Taking Jeffrey Lin's advice i'll summarize some of the more important stuff for the first 5 levels

TH Lv. | Gold and Elixir Collectors | Gold and Elixir Storage | Barracks
   1   |             2              |          1              |    3
   2   |             4              |          3              |    4
   3   |             6              |          6              |    5
   4   |             8              |          8              |    6
   5   |            10              |          9              |    7

TH Lv. | Cannon | Archer Wall | Wall
   1   |    2   |      -      |  -
   2   |    3   |      2      |  2
   3   |    4   |      3      |  3
   4   |    5   |      4      |  4
   5   |    6   |      6      |  5

however there are a lot of buildings and the tables don't format well here on Stack Exchange