Clash of Clans – Meaning of the Shield and Two Swords Symbol Next to Clan Members’ Names


When I open my clan roster, I now notice there is a symbol that has a shield + two swords next to most clan member's name. What does this signify? Are they ready for clan battles?

enter image description here

Best Answer

This symbol means that those player can participate in clan's war, The other players who don't have it are spectators and they can't participate in war.

The logic behind that is like this :

  • If a player join your clan after you started the war they will become a spectator and will not be able to actively participate in the clan war.
  • If your clan members are more than enemy's clan, The players who have lowest trophies will become spectator so both clans have the same number of members ( e.g 30 vs 30 or 45 vs 45)