Clash of Clans – What Happens If Clan Leaders Abuse Their Power and How to Handle It


In Clash of Clans, people in a clan can be promoted to different ranks which give the player authority. But how can a player be punished if they abuse their power, though? People who are of lower rank than him/her can't do anything.

I once joined a clan where I saw angry messages in the chat because the newly-promoted leader kicked people out to troll and be "funny." Since the leader has the most power, the rest of the clan members (including me) couldn't do anything about it. How would Supercell punish people who abuse their authoritative power in clans?

Best Answer

Clans in Clash of Clans are considered to be property of the leader. With that said, a leader can invite or expell anyone who he pleases, and that does not break the rules.

The only exception is when inviting and expelling breaks war rules (by exploiting a loophole of sorts).

Other than that there is no reason to report a clan leader, unless he is cheating (or exploiting the system) or alternatively being verbally abusive.

If any other member abuses it's up to the leader to decide what to do with him.