Clash-of-clans – What’s best trophy range for farming TH7


I'm almost maxed TH7 I have only walls left to max,I'm currently Now I need to max walls before going to TH8,I wonder what is the best trophy range to farm gold and elixir to get 150k plus resources? I looked around silver 1 and 2 but I can't find perfect trophy range. I wanted to upgraded hogs, to farm dark elixr now I'm on gold 3 and I collected 20k dark elixr for hogs. Should I drop to silver 1? Or should I stay on gold 3

Best Answer

I am a fresh th7. After a few raids and league jumps, I found out that it depends upon which type of resource you are farming for.

  • If you want to farm dark elixir, then 1300-1500 is the range where you get it.
  • If you are looking for gold and elixir, I would recommend the 1100-1200 range of trophies.

I would also like to mention that the best way to farm DE is to play clan wars. You can take away up to 2000 in a single war with just 2 attacks!