Clothing stores never change products


I've noticed the first several boutiques in the game have stopped rotating their wares. This includes Laverre City, Santalune and Cyllage. However the other stores, such as Lumoise, still rotate their inventory every day.

At the beginning of the game I had the clock set ahead a few days (thanks to Animal Crossing) but I have since kicked the clock back, and the real time is now later than the latest the "wrong" time was set.

Why have the stores stopped changing? Does this mean there is nothing more to buy there or is this a bug or what?

Best Answer

The stores change clothing based on what day of the week it is. It seems that several of the cities have the same clothing no matter what day it is.

Here's a list from Serebii showing you what clothes on which days is available based on city. Beware, however, since the list is probably not complete, and the female part is missing the dates/city entirely.