Combat Master Uruks. How to defeat them


So I was playing Shadow of Mordor and I encountered an Uruk Captain that was a Combat Master.

I just couldn't kill him and he would recuperate health! He would counter everything Executions and even Battle Brands.

How can I defeat these Captains/Warchiefs?


I can attack him stealthly BUT that doesn't do much damage to him. Not
even with terrorize.

He regains health super-fast and is invulnerable to ranged.

Any special strategy involved? Because he recovered health pretty fast.

Best Answer

I only encountered a Combat Master once on my playthrough, but it was after I had acquired the Brand skill and one tactic I found to work was to brand nearby Uruks and have them fight him. The damage they themselves did to him was inconsequential, but while he's fighting them, you can get behind him and he's vulnerable to Wraith Stun from behind. Of course once he's stunned you can damage him multiple ways.

Also, as wr4ith says in the comments, if he has a Fear and you exploit it, he's more vulnerable to other tactics.