Complete list of ways you could die in Oregon Trail


Wikipedia gives the following (partial?) list:

…die from various causes, such as measles, snakebite, dysentery,
typhoid, cholera, and exhaustion. People could also die from drowning
or a broken leg.

But I'm pretty sure there were others (starvation for example). Is there anywhere that has a complete list of the ways to dies in Oregon Trail?

Best Answer

Based on the text present on the disk images of the Apple II version, I believe this is the complete list:

  • a fever
  • dysentery
  • measles
  • cholera
  • typhoid
  • exhaustion
  • a snakebite
  • a broken leg
  • a broken arm
  • drowning

In particular, I couldn't find any indication that you could die of starvation.