Consistent crashing of FTL


Whenever I play the game Faster Than Light (or FTL), my game experiences random crashes. Preceding the crash, the sound of my game will turn into a very pixellated, choppy sound that sounds like a corrupted sound file of some kind, followed by slowed-down gameplay.

Sometimes, it will resolve itself after 20 minutes or so and return to normal speeds, other times, my window will freeze completely and the game crashes.

I check the output of my terminal on my Linux laptop, and the output it gives can be seen here.

Ultimately, I just want to know what is causing the crash and how can I fix it?

Edit #1: Link fixed, you are able to see the crash log now!

Edit #2: During the startup process of the game, it throws a few errors, which you can see here. See lines 5, 6, and 8.

Edit #3: After doing the fix described by @allquixotic and replacing the file with one from the developer's website, I still crashed. The latest crash log can be seen here.

Edit #4: Still experiencing severe crashes. See additional crashlogs here.

Best Answer

The crash log suggests that libbassmix, part of the BASS audio framework, is responsible. BASS is not open source, unfortunately, so we will be unable to troubleshoot beyond the basics: try to download the latest version of BASS on their website, and replace the BASS version that the game uses with this version, by replacing the files /home/jflory/Games/FTL/data/amd64/lib/ and /home/jflory/Games/FTL/data/amd64/lib/ with the versions you downloaded.

BTW, there is a thread on the FTL official forums where a bunch of other users complained about the same thing. I'm rather surprised you didn't find this in your first search (you did search before asking a question, didn't you? :))) -- look here. There was a developer trying to get involved, and some people claimed they got it to work using a similar method to what I suggested.

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