Control SNES emulator from different machines


Say I have 3 machines connected to the same network, M1, M2 and M3. I want to do the following:

  • Run a SNES emulator on M1
  • Setup M2 so that it can control player 1 on the emulator running on M1 via keyboard (e.g. by executing a connectToEmulator binary)
  • Setup M3 so that it can control player 2 on the emulator running on M1 via keyboard (e.g. by executing a connectToEmulator binary)

Something like:

    |       M1      |
    |               |
    | SNES Emulator |
     ^             ^
     |             |
+----------+    +----------+
|    M2    |    |    M3    |
|          |    |          |
| Player 1 |    | Player 2 |
+----------+    +----------+

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

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