Convert “Never fully converted” provinces


I'm playing Turkey and I'm trying to convert all my provinces into Sunni. However, I have some Dhimmi/zealots provinces that say that they "never will be Sunni".

enter image description here

My question is: is it possible to convert them at all? I don't care if I should just kill every zealot in my province, provoke them on revolt and them kill all or whatever. But I don't see any possibility including cruel ones that could accomplish that.

P.S. Of course, I don't mention cheating like installing mods or something, it's about hardcore play – no saves, no mods, vanilla game with DLC.

Thanks to @Nicolas , I found the right button, here is a screenshot to complete an answer:

Best Answer

For provinces controlled by the Dhimmi, simply remove the Dhimmi estate from the province. This will anger the Dhimmi and create revolt-risk in the province, but that'll go down eventually.

Zeal is even easier: just wait. Religious Zeal is a province modifier that occurs when a province has recently been converted, and goes away after 30 years.

Edit: Screenshot grabbed from Google. I haven't played in a while, but when I last played the building interface looked like this.

Province mode

If you click on the icon square (next to where it says nobility, in this case), you can change which estate controls the province. It can be accessed by clicking the build tab hanging off of the right side of the province interface, seen below:

Main province ui