Could someone offer Mount and Blade Warband Strategy Advice


I have gotten back into playing Mount and blade and things are going pretty well for me so far. I am in the Khergit Khanate and i have two castles and two villages. My dilemma is that the Khanate now is very powerful, they have all but destroyed Swadia and now we are cutting into Vaegir and the Sultanate. Since i plan on eventually forming my own kingdom i dont want the kahnate to be so powerful i dont have a chance; do you think i should defect to curtail their power, don't worry about it or just give up on my plans of world domination?

Best Answer

I suggest you build an army of Saranid Mamlukes. They are excellent detergents towards Kahnid Horse Archers, because of their extreme resilience and armored horses. Make up for the lack of ranged units with some horse archers of your own though. Once you have about 20 mamlukes, the Sarranid melee horsemen, (gonna take some time, but given that Swadia's gone (they're always first to kick the bucket) and you're cutting into Vaegir and Sarranid territory, 20 should do it), defect and try to conquer their southern-most castle (forgotten its name). This castle is in a narrow passage, and should make it easy enough to defend or flee from if necessary. Be careful when assaulting the castle though, as the Kahnid are very archer-oriented, making the ascent on top of the castle walls a rather interesting experience...

Get some lords on your side, preferably Kahnid, to support your cause, and make a stand at the castle should the Kahnid come at you in numbers.

It would be advisable to capture said castle after the majority of the Kahnid noyans and their Khan have just recently fought a major battle, and are low on troops.

Well, that's how I'd handle the situation. It's never too late to satiate your desire for World Domination in M&B:W. Ever.