Countering the Royal Giant


How do I counter a Royal Giant? My current deck consists of Giant, Archers, Tombstone, Zap, Fireball, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion and Mini Pekka.

Should I be using Mini Pekka or Inferno Dragon or is there something I'm missing?

Best Answer

In another answer I provided, I linked to a page where you can find strategy (including counters) to each card. Here is the link.

For the Royal Giant they suggest a Minion Horde or Skeleton Army. In my experience I have noticed barbarians are also pretty good at taking out the Royal Giant (and will survive most spells that would take out the Minion Horde and Skeleton Army). I don't use any of those and instead opt for the Lumberjack.

I notice none of these cards are in your deck, however. For your deck (if you are unable/unwilling to make changes), I would recommend using the Mini-Pekka, especially if you can get the Royal Giant distracted by your Tombstone. Once you know your opponent has the Royal Giant, save those two cards to counter it (but expect the Royal Giant to have back-up!). Good luck.