Counterspell and Spellbender together: which one is triggered first


A quick question regarding the Mage deck: suppose that I'm playing a deck based on Secrets. In a certain turn of the game, I have both Counterspell and Spellbender activated on my side.

enter image description here

Is there a rule to determine which one is triggered at first? My though is that the first that you played is the first which is going to be revealed, but I'm not sure about that.

As a pratical example, suppose that I'm playing against a Paladin, and I predict – due to the state of the game -, that (s)he's gonna buff a minion of his/her with a Blessing of Kings (+4/+4 at a minion). Can I foretaste a 5/8 on my side? Or the blessing will "just" vanish?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Actually counterspell triggers before spellbender in any case.

There is an example here on youtube.

I think it's because in the beginning you cast a spell and then you target a minion. This is not an official explanation though.