Craft unloading and how should it be handled


What is craft "unloading" due to being farther that the "physics distance" from the "main craft"? What is the best way to deal with it? Can it be avoided?

I only find very sparse information on these subjects. "Unloading" is mentioned in this answer and is this Scott Manley video.

My problem is this: I have a craft with two probe command modules, one for the rocket and one for a rover. I sent it into orbit around a moon (Laythe). I sent the rover down to the surface. I switched to the space center. I switched to the tracking station. To my horror the rover is nowhere to be found, it has disappeared without a trace!

How can I switch away from my rover without it disappearing?

KSP version 0.90.0, Windows 8, career mode.

Best Answer

Things outside of physics range (2350 meters, or thereabout) is unloaded. This means that the physics engine isn't handling it anymore. Let's pretend that the tracking station takes control of it instead. Now, if it's in a situation where it would crash, such as in the atmosphere under 30000 meters, it would disappear and any onboard personnel would be listed as Missing.

However, I read in the devblog yersterday that they are tuning this up to 20km for stuff in the atmosphere in 1.0 (which is now in experimental).

To avoid unloading of the rover, you can:

a) Don't switch away from it when it's in an atmosphere or heading there b) Wait until your rover is landed and standing still c) Keep nearby

Update: As of 1.0.2, the physics range has indeed been increased to 20km when in atmosphere.