CS:GO – How to join competitive servers


I have, so far, only played cs:go by clicking Browse community servers and join a few of my favorite servers (mostly low ping and friendly people). Now I am getting a little better on the game I though about playing competitive to see what rank I can get, but I have a doubt.

Does the only way to join competitive servers is by clicking Find a game and selecting competitive? Community quick-play and Browse community servers are just casual (non ranked)?

I ask this because I would like to see a list of competitive servers to I can choose the one I want, but I believe Find a game option just choose the server for you.

Best Answer

Yes, that is the only way. You can also create a group of friends before you do so and enter the game with your friends on your team and go on a pub stomp. But matchmaking is the only way to enter a competitive match.

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