CSGO Jump throwing on negative aliases


I know how "jump throw" works and also it's bind. However, I'm trying to make "jump throw" work only ON KEY RELEASE, instead of KEY DOWN, so that I can achieve the cl_crosshairsize technique as well (crosshair size changing alias) within the same key.

Usual "jump throw" bind:

alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
bind TARGET_KEY +jumpthrow

Desired "jump throw" bind:

alias "+jumpthrow" ""
alias "-jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;-jump"
bind TARGET_KEY +jumpthrow

Unfortunately this does not work and I have no idea why, even if you set something on +jumpthrow (eg. say something).

Best Answer

You can't have +jump and -jump on the same bind. The game can't execute an action and stop it at the same time, so this kind of bind always breaks.

A partly working solution would be something like this:

alias "+jumpthrow" ""
alias "-jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack;"
bind TARGET_KEY +jumpthrow

This executes the jump and e.g. a grenade throw on key release as expected.

However, due to the nature of how binds work you need a -jump somewhere else, otherwise the game would sit on +jump forever. This is not a real issue, because gravity replaces the -jump eventually, but it's better to solve a problem rather than ignoring it.

You could solve this issue easily by

  • jumping manually after executing the bind
  • adding -jump to the binds of frequently used non-movement keys (e.g. slot1, reload, etc)
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