CS:GO Online Players vs Expert Bots


As the title says, I have heard at many places that the expert bots are very easy. But I find them too difficult. They have very fast reaction time and very good accuracy. I want to know whether the top online players or world top gamers are better than expert bots?

Just curios to know.

Although getting at 1st place with expert bots isn't hard, but beating their reaction times and accuracy is tough.

Best Answer

You don't have to be pro to be better than bots. Most average players and probably many below average players are better than bots. Do consider that bots have a skill level too if you're playing offline with bots.

Bots do behave unpredictably at times though. Sometimes you can be within a few feet of a bot and they won't react, and at other times it seems they hear you coming and pre-fire you like a pro would.

Whether playing with bots or regular players, try to remember that you should always try to play close to cover when it's available, so you can fallback to a safe position if required. Don't stand still in open spaces for a long period, as even bots can kill you if you're not moving. Most players usually ADADAD between taking shots to make themselves harder to hit. Use shift when walking if you feel that you are potentially close to opponents, I do feel if bots hear you coming they react quicker, which makes sense.

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