CS:GO Server Help; how to get rid of .ready in the server so I can start the server without 10 people


Ok so with my new server I'm having issues starting it. I want to be able to start the match without having 10 people in the lobby. The server config that I am using is Pug-set-up. I will also be very happy if someone could help me with how to put announcements in the chat where a message is being said like every 5 minutes or so like

"This server is self funded to help or if interested donate monthy to become a VIP and earn reserved slots and more fun features"

If you can help me It would be greatly appreciated thank you very much!

Best Answer

In this file, line 30, change the value of Team size to whatever you want. Note you need to double the value since you have two teams, so if you want a minimum of 6 players, you need Teamsize to be 3.

Messages being sent every X minutes are called Advertisements. One such advertisement plugin is available here.