CS:GO Servers information


Let's say I have a server on my own. I have users who play there. Casual game. Best 8 of 15. Is there a way I could get the information about every game that ends? Eg.

  • CT / T won;
  • Rounds won by the winning side;
  • Accuracy level of the players;
  • K/D/A statistics per player;
  • Or other kinds of statistics is more than welcomed.

I'm just asking if the servers provide this information, not looking for a particular software that does that. But if you know about something like this, I'd be more than happy to see it.

Best Answer

What you need are Server queries to recieve information from a running server. To work with queries you should have some develop-understanding because most of the query example around the net are written in php.

There's a documentation about it on the Valve Developer page.

After that you should start to read about the RCON Protocol.

Here're some things you can (de-)activate in the server.cfg.


I've found a open source library for php which make the things a bit easier.